At MineForeverApp, your privacy is of prime importance. This Privacy Policy applies to all users of, and visitors to this website. It outlines the policies and procedures that govern the collection, storage, usage, sharing, and updating of the information that we have access to as a result of our interaction with the users.

This policy does not extend to any external websites, videos and documents which you may access as a result of a link that has been provided on this site. Users are encouraged to read the privacy policies of these websites as MineForeverApp shall not be held responsible for any losses or damages that may be incurred as a result of any unethical or illegal activities that may be conducted by these sites.

By continuing to use this website, the user is deemed to have accepted the privacy policy below and the terms of service of this website.

Collection of Information

There are two ways through which we collect information from our users. These ways are :Personal Identification Information.

  • Specifically requesting personal information during the signing-up process. This information includes, names, contacts, usernames and other profile details.
  • Information that is provided during the process of making an order, filling up a survey form or subscribing to our newsletter or mailing list.
  • Information emanating from your transaction history. If you do not want this information to be stored, kindly let us know.
  • Information that you provide directly through correspondence with our staff.

ALL information that may personally identify you will be asked from you EXPRESSLY and should only be given by you voluntarily. However, failure to give some type of information may result to your being denied some type of service.Retrieving Non-personal Identification Information

MineForeverApp reserves the right to automatically retrieve non-personal information unless the user blocks this feature. This information includes:

(i) Device Identification: This is the information that we automatically retrieve in order to determine the kind of device that you are using in order to serve you better. If you block this feature on your device, you may still be able to access our features, but the services may not be optimal.

(ii) Through Cookies: This is the information that we automatically retrieve in order to determine the kind of device that you are using in order to serve you better. If you block this feature on your device, you may still be able to access our features, but the services may not be optimal.

Protecting Your Information

At, we take great effort towards ensuring that your information remains protected at all times. To protect your information, we have instituted certain measures such as:

  • Storing your information in a firewall-protected server.
  • Through the encryption of any sensitive information such as passwords.
  • The use of automated technology to detect abuse or fraud.

Use of Information

Once we have collected the information, we use it for the following purposes:

  • To register you and to provide you with easy access: This is the information that we get from you when you are signing up. You’ll be able to log in into your account and carry out your own activities conveniently.
  • To enable us fulfill your orders promptly.
  • To answer any question you may have asked or any enquiries made.
  • To send you updates when needed: from time to time, we may change certain aspects of the service including the privacy policy and the terms of service. It is therefore important that we have your contacts.
  • For proper and smooth administration of the site.
  • To enable us process transactions.
  • To advertise our services or the services of third parties.
  • For our own in-house research: the feedback that we get is meant to ensure that we continuously update our services so that you may have a great experience with us.
  • We can advise you on where to visit, based on your search history.

Sharing of Information

  • At MineForeverApp, we do not sell or share any personal identification information with any third party.
  • All the photo uploaded onto a network are owned by the person who uploaded the photos and the administrator who set up that particular network.
  • does not own the photos that are uploaded to this site. However, we do reserve the right to collect, store and display these photos back to you.

Copyrights and Trademarks

All content displayed on this website is or may wholly or partly be protected by United States copyright laws. You are not supposed to distribute any content outside this website with prior written permission from MineForeverApp on the legal implications of the same.

Updating Your Information

You are required to ensure that all the information that you provide is accurate and updated. To update your profile, simply sign into your account and click on the “Edit My Profile” button.

Information From Minors.

This sight does not in any way seek information from people who are under the age of 18. If it comes to our realization that a minor has forwarded his or her private information to us, we will make sure that we delete the information as soon as possible. If for any reason you believe that we’ve taken into our possession information that is related to a person under the age of 18 and without his or her parent’s consent, we would like to hear from you urgently. Kindly send us a message at [email protected].

Privacy Violations

MineForeverApp treats privacy violations very seriously. Members who violate the privacy policy may be suspended or even banned. Privacy violations that may amount to criminal activities may lead to the prosecution of the offenders. Any violations of privacy should be reported through [email protected] On Shopping

Update On The Privacy Policy

Your Input

Your comfort is our aim. If you have got any suggestions or comments, please send an email to [email protected].