Wedding Day

Wedding dress – check. Groom – check. Every-freaking-thing-else… yea, didn’t think so. Long after you’ve gotten the basics and dream items come the realization that there are just some things you can’t live without on your wedding day – and you’ve probably already forgot them.

Fashion Tape

Just because everything is falling into place in the dressing room doesn’t mean it will when you start moving about. Fashion tape assures that if a wardrobe malfunction is inevitable you’re covered.

A Snack

Low blood sugar can make you cranky and light headed. A snack that’s wedding dress friendly (i.e. #JustSayNoToCheetos) is just what the doctor ordered.

Emergency PMS Kit/Medications

Stress is notorious for bringing Aunt Flo to the party a little too early. Be prepared just in case. Also don’t forget must have medications like Dramamine if you tend to get dizzy or nauseous when you are in mid freak out.


If your nerves are making you feel like you’re waiting on the hurricane then a little bubbly can help calm your nerves. Some brides swear by a drink before they walk down the aisle… but just ONE!

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